In some rare cases you may encounter problems downloading Pinnacle Studio content. It may freeze at 0% downloaded and never progress. If this occurs, the following steps may help resolve the problem. Before attempting each of these steps, please make sure you have cleared the Download Data Cache. Here is how to do this:
How to Clear Download Data Cache
If you have trouble downloading ALL of the content components: Browse to C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Pinnacle\InstallManager_16\. Delete the InstallManager_16 folder.
If you have trouble with downloading a particular component, please refer the following table and delete the corresponding file/folder in your system, before proceeding with the troubleshooting solutions.
Component Name | Folder/file to be deleted |
Standard Content Pack | Folder C:\Users\AppData\Local\Pinnacle\InstallManager_16\StandardContent |
Red Giant FilmMaker’s Toolkit | Folder C:\Users\AppData\Local\Pinnacle\InstallManager_16\Plugins\Filmmakers |
Red Giant Motion Graphics Toolkit | Folder C:\Users\AppData\Local\Pinnacle\InstallManager_16\Plugins\MotionGraphics |
Hollywood Fx Vol. 1-3 | File C:\Users\AppData\Local\Pinnacle\InstallManager_16\BonusContent\HFXVolumes.exe |
Premium Pack Vol. 1-2 | File C:\Users\AppData\Local\Pinnacle\InstallManager_16\BonusContent\PremiumPacks.exe |
Scorefitter Vol. 1-2 | File C:\Users\AppData\Local\Pinnacle\InstallManager_16\BonusContent\ScorefitterVolumes.exe |
Creative Pack Volume 1 | File C:\Users\AppData\Local\Pinnacle\InstallManager_16\BonusContent\CreativePackVolume1.exe |
Title Extreme | File C:\Users\AppData\Local\Pinnacle\InstallManager_16\BonusContent\TitleExtreme.exe |
Step 1: Wait and try again later.
Ensure that you have first cleared the Download Data Cache (See instructions above).
Please make sure that you are connected to internet and try again later. This issue has been intermittent in some cases and downloaded properly after not downloading in an earlier attempt.
Step 2: Check Installed Internet Security or Antivirus software
Ensure that you have first cleared the Download Data Cache (See instructions above).
Certain option in your Internet Security / Antivirus software may potentially cause problems downloading.
In one specific case with “G Data Internet Security 2013”, one user was able to download after disabling the "Web protection" option in this software. If you are using G Data Internet Security 2013, try disabling this option. If you are using other Internet Security software, look for similar option.
Note: You can re-enable any settings you disabled once Studio 16 is fully installed.
Step 3: Pando Media Booster Troubleshooting
Ensure that you have first cleared the Download Data Cache (See instructions above).
There are some troubleshooting steps recommended by Pando Networks that may be helpful in this case. Go to: and browse down to the section called: "Your system is currently not allowing access to our servers" or "Pando Media Booster cannot connect to the network." Try the troubleshooting steps recommended here.
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