When dealing with both computer operating systems or even programs, it is important to remember that these system however highly technical can eventually be met with some type of fallacy. That is why it is highly recommended when owning a computer, it is important to remember to back up files on a regular basis. By backing up important files and documents, it means that no matter what will happen to a program or computer these files or documents will remain intact. For Corel® VideoStudio Pro, this means that any media that has been imported into the program can be subject to this type of loss. We stress that the media that does get imported into the thumbnail libraries are not the original media, but index files that point and use information from the original media that they are taken from. These media files include video, audio and images. The steps below will cover all versions from X4 to X6 of Corel® VideoStudio Pro.
Steps on how to backup or export Library Media files
Follow the proceeding steps to backup the media files and folders that are in Corel® VideoStudio Pro.
- Open Corel® VideoStudio Pro
- Click on Settings at the top
- Click on Library Manager in the menu
- Select Export Library from the pop out menu
- Select a destination folder or create a new one by clicking on Make New Folder. If making a new folder, give that folder a name and then make sure that it is still selected.
- Click OK and a message will appear that the Media Library has been exported.
Steps on how to Import Library Media files
- Open Corel® VideoStudio Pro
- Click on Settings at the top
- Click on Library Manager in the menu
- Select Import Library from the pop out menu
- Select the destination folder that the Library Media files are saved to.
- Click OK and a message will appear that the Media Library has been imported.
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