In order to use the screen capture feature, you will need to be under the Edit Workspace.
To specify the area that you want to capture
Click on File menu > Screenshot > Setup
In the Method drop-list you can choose one of the following options:
- Smart Capture: captures an object by auto-detecting screen elements (buttons, menus, window areas) as you hover over the elements with the pointer
- Area: captures the area of the screen that you select
- Full screen: capture the entire screen
- Client Window: captures the contents of the active program
- Window: captures the active window
- Object: captures an object within the program that you select, such as a menu bar, toolbar, icon, or document window
- Preset: captures preset area size. When you choose this option, you can select a category drop-list, and select the preset size you want from the Preset drop-list
If you want to modify other settings, click on the Settings button , and navigate the pages to
adjust the settings you want.
To specify screenshot activation method
Click on the Settings button
On the Activate Capture page (click the first dot along the bottom of the dialog box), and choose one of the following options:
- Hot Key: lets you capture screen contents by right-clicking to activate the capture, and clicking the selected area
- Print Screen key: lets you capture screen contents by pressing the Print Screen key
- Delay before capture (1-60 sec.): lets you capture screen contents after a specified delay. Type a number in the seconds’ box.
To specify screenshot options
Click on the Settings button
On the Options page (click the second dot along the bottom of the dialog box), and choose one of the following options:
- Include Cursor: lets you include the pointer in the capture
- Multiple Captures: lets you capture multiple images. Each capture is added as a new image in PaintShop Pro
- Hide PaintShop: automatically minimizes PaintShop Pro when the Screenshot tool is active. Unmark this option if you want to capture PaintShop Pro.
- Highlight Color: lets you change the color of the capture area preview
- Add capture shortcut to toolbar: add a quick access icon to the toolbar
To set destinations and format options for screenshots
Click on the Settings button
On the Destination page (click the fourth dot along the bottom of the dialog box), set the following options:
- Open in PaintShop: adds the screenshot to PaintShop Pro as a new image
- Save to: lets you choose a save location for screenshots
- Format: lets you set a file format if you have marked the Save to option
- Clipboard: saves the screenshot to the Windows Clipboard
To create a preset for screenshots
Click on the Settings button
On the Presets page (click the third dot along the bottom of the dialog box), set the following options:
- In the Units drop-list, choose Pixels or Ratio
- Type values in the Width and Height boxes
- Click Add
, and type a preset name, and click OK
- You can delete a preset by selecting the preset name on the Presets page and clicking Remove
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