Solution 1
1. Cancel the installation of Paint Shop Photo Pro or VideoStudio Pro
2. Go to Start - Control Panel
3a. XP: Switch to Classic view (left-top side)
3b. Vista/Windows 7: Switch the view (right-top side) by "Category" to "Small Icons". Now, you get all the icons shown in your Control Panel.
4. Look for "User Accounts" and open it
5. Create a new user account with full administrative rights (See following instructions)
Windows XP:
Windows Vista and 7: (click on Show All)
6. Restart the computer and log ontothe new user account
7. Before you install a program, a patch or an update and when ever you want to change something on your system, since Vista/Windows 7 you have to log in as administrator and the only way to get full administrator access is by turning off the User Account Control and right-click on a program, patch or update and go to "Run as Administrator". Otherwise, you will have problems working properly on your system.
For steps on how to turn off User Account Controls (or UAC), please visit:
Windows 7:
8. When you have full administrative access, begin to install Paint Shop Pro or VideoStudio Pro
9. After the installation process has finished, restart the computer and login with your old user account
10. You can delete the new user account and work in Paint Shop Photo Pro or VideoStudio with your old user account.
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