How to save print settings in WordPerfect

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WordPerfect can remember your default printing preferences as previous versions were able. Settings such as the number of copies to print, two sided print settings, and other advanced options, without having to continually enable and disable them every time you print. However, if you have "Use printer Properties from currently selected printer" turned on, you will notbe unable to save these settings.

This article will show you how to save your printer preferences inWordPerfect.

To save your printing prefferences:

  1. Click File -> Print...
  2. Choose the settings you would like to have as default for every time you print. (For Example: Advanced options or options under the layout tab.)
  3. Click the Main tab
  4. Click the Edit Settings button
  5. Make sure "Use printer Properties from currently selected printer" is NOT checked in. If it is, uncheck it.
  6. Click the Save button to save the changes.

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