What are the minimum recommended system requirements to run Corel Vector?

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Minimum system requirements:
A desktop or laptop computer
In Chrome, Firefox or Safari
With at least 2 GB RAM (memory)
With a CPU running at a speed of at least 2.2 GHz
A Graphic card that supports WebGL for hardware acceleration

Supported operating system:
macOS High Sierra (10.13) or later
Windows 10 or later
Linux – Ubuntu 16 – 18 and Linux Mint are officially supported
Chrome OS – Chrome v8 engine version 7.2.502 or later

Recommended System Specifications:
There are no specific optimal system requirements. The more powerful and new hardware you use the better Corel Vector will work. Please keep in mind these suggestions:

Always use the latest stable release of supported operating systems
Corel Vector will work best in the latest Chrome Web browser.
The more than 8GB RAM
Use modern SSD Hard drive
Use best Graphic Card you can get
Always use the latest Corel Vector version as we continuously improve Corel Vector performance

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