- Download and install Microsoft Windows Installer Clean Up Utility to remove Roxio and Sonic software.
- Click here to go to the download page.
- Scroll down to and click on Download the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility package now.
- Click on Save and choose to save it on your Desktop.
- On your Desktop, double-click on msicuu2.exe file and follow the on-screen instructions to install.
- Click on Start --> All programs --> Windows Install Clean up.
- Select any entry started with Roxio/Sonic and DirectXInstallService.
- Click on Remove.
- Reinstall the software.
If problem persists, proceed to the next step.
- Temporarily disable any anti-virus/internet security/firewall software on your computer and try running the installation again.
If problem persists, proceed to the next step.
- Create a new user account with Administrator rights and reinstall from the new user account.
Windows XP
- Go to Start --> Control Panel --> User Accounts. Create a new user account named Roxio as Computer Administrator.
- Restart the computer and log into the Roxio account.
- Reinstall Roxio Easy Media Creator in the Roxio account.
Windows 7 and Vista
- Go to Start --> Control Panel --> Add or remove user accounts. Create a new user account named Roxio as Computer Administrator.
- Restart the computer and log into the Roxio account.
- Reinstall Roxio Easy Media Creator in the Roxio account.
Related Articles:
Complete Uninstall of Creator 9 and 10 on Windows Vista
Complete Uninstall of Creator 9 and 10 on Windows XP
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