WinDVD Pro 12: How to manually remove WinDVD Pro 12 from Windows

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Below you will find the instructions to manually remove WinDVD Pro 12 onto your system.

These steps are to be performed if you are unable to uninstall WinDVD Pro 12 in Windows using Programs and Features, Uninstall a program, or if you are unable to reinstall and the program is not present.

 Note: Before you start, ensure you have the necessary information such as link/DVD and serial number to reinstall.

Part One - Windows Explorer

Part Two - Windows Registry

NOTE: Be sure once entering, to click File> Export> And save a copy of your registry before continuing. Be also sure that the Export Range on the bottom left, is set to All before you press save.

NOTE – To drill down to the necessary locations, simply double click on each heading to expanding the list







Part Three - You are ready to reinstall

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