Is it possible to license a newer version of WinZip with a license from a previous version of WinZip?

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Use a subscription

A main solution for you would be to use a subscription version of WinZip - WinZip Suite. A subscription allows you to activate any WinZip 76.x build with a subscription license.

Purchase a perpetual license

If the option above doesn't work for you and you don't have an active maintenance subscription, you can purchase a perpetual license of WinZip for the WinZip version you want to work with. 

Use upgrade assurance

Please note that this option is no longer offered but still can be used if you have it active. An active maintenance subscription can be a solution for a company owning a multi-user license to have in use prior versions of the software while simultaneously using the current version. However, the total number of copies of the software installed must not exceed the number of registered copies of the software licensed.


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