After opening a project in Pinnacle Studio that was created in a previous version 3rd party effects are missing from the project

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The reason for this could be that the 3rd party plugin used in the version of Studio that created the project is not available in the current version of Studio. This may be normal depending on the source of the 3rd party effects. If the 3rd party plugins were included in the Studio 10 or 11 Bonus Content DVD, see this FAQ "Bonus Content DVD is missing from Studio" . If the 3rd party plugin was included with a Studio Ultimate Plugin CD, read on more for more information.

3rd party plugins from the Ultimate Plugin discs are for use with the version of Studio in which they were purchased. Studio versions 11 and greater can all be installed side by side. Because of this you can leave the previous Studio version installed and still have access to the 3rd party plugin(s) in the version of Studio in which it was purchased.

In this case you have two options:

  1. Complete the project in the version of Studio which it was originally created.
  2. Apply the desired effect to the desired clip(s) in the original Studio version and then export that clip as an AVI or MPEG2 file. Finally import that new file into Studio 14.

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