Certain AVCHD cameras record to SDHC cards and have a maximum file size of 4.1GB. When recording for longer durations it may break the recorded video into multiple files. Some Panasonic cameras do it, but others may as well. In some cases when these files are placed back to back in a Studio project, you may experience an audio dropout at the point where the video clips meet.
One method to resolve this issue is to combine the files in Windows and then bring the new combined file into a Studio project. Here is a method to combine the files.
Step 1: Open the Command Prompt
Begin by opening up the Command Prompt. You can do this by going to Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.
Step 2: Combine the multiple video files into a single video file
Note: This procedure works for mpeg files only.
On the Command line, you need to enter a command in the following format.
copy /B “file 1” + “file 2” + “file 3” “destination file”
Here is a quick example:
- There are 3 video files: video1.mpg, video2.mpg, and video3.mpg.
- In this example all existing files are located in the root of the C drive.
- The new file we want to create is called “fullmovie.mpg” (also on the root of the C drive)
The command to enter in this case would be:
copy /B “C:\video1.mpg” + “C:\video2.mpg” + “C:\video3.mpg” “C:\fullmovie.mpg”
Press Enter and the new file should be created at the location specified. Import this version of the file into Studio for use without audio dropout.
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