To register a Pinnacle product on line you need to be listed in Pinnacle’s customer database and will have to complete the Customer Registration form if you have not yet done so. Once you have completed the product registration process, an email with a Support Code is automatically sent to you. (This can take up to 20 minutes.) The email address used in the registration process is also required to access Technical Support on-line. If you successfully registered your product and did not receive your email, please see What do I do if I never received an email with my Pinnacle support code? for additional information.
In extremely rare situations, it is possible that the registration process itself fails or the email with the support code does not arrive. For this special case, the following Registration Assistance form can be used to request help. This form is specifically for registration requests and only valid registration issues will receive a response. It may take up to a full business day for the request to be processed.
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