Follow the instructions below to guide you on how to install Creator NXT Pro (Download version) on your computer.
1) When you have successfully downloaded the program from DownloadManager.exe, You will get 4 files. You should install the Creator NXT Programs IN ORDER.
- 1) Creator NXT Pro
- 2) Creator NXT Pro Disc 2
- 3) Creator NXT Pro Content

*) Paintshop Pro (You can install this separately)
2) RUN Creator NXT to start the set-up wizard.

3) It is important to read the licensing agreement (EULA). After reading, place a check mark in the box stating that you have Accepted the terms in the license agreement, then click on the Next button.

4) Input your Serial Number (CD key) then click NEXT once it has been successful. Your Serial number is provided to you in your Order Confirmation.

5) Read the Roxio User Experience Improvement Program. After reading, place a check mark in the box stating that you have read it and would like to participate, then click on the Next button.

6) Choose set-up type. If you want to install the full program, click Complete then Next. If you want to skip other programs, select Custom then choose the program you don't want to install then select Next.

7) Select Install Location of the program. Click Change if you want to install the program in a different location. Click Install Now.

8) A status bar will show Creator NXT Pro is installing to your computer.

9) Once the status window shows Installation Complete or Finished, Creator NXT Pro will be installed and ready to use.

**After installing the first one, you can now install Creator NXT Disc 2 then Creator NXT Content. (Same process applies)
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