WordPerfect printing to mulitple trays

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How do I use WordPerfect to print to different trays?

WordPerfect enables you to print to different printer trays through page definitions feature that eliminates the need to pull paper from different trays for the same print job. Just follow these steps:

  1. Launch WordPerfect.
  2. Go to the File menu and select Page Setup.
  3. Click on the Page Setup tab.
  4. In the Page Definition section, choose Printer Page Types.
  5. Click Add.
  6. In the Name section, give this definition a name. (We recommend that you identify the tray you want to print from; for example, tray #1, tray #2, etc.)
  7. In the Type section, select the stationery tray you will print from. For example, select letterhead type to print letterhead stationery; otherwise select standard paper size when there is no option.
  8. In the Size section, select the appropriate stationery size. When choosing paper that not standard size, select User Defined Size and enter height and width.
  9. In the Source section, select the tray where the stationery is located.
  10. On the right-hand side of the screen in the Show Page Size for section, make sure that only the current printer is selected.
  11. Click on OK.

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