How to fit-to-disc a DVD project on a 4.7 DVD-Video disc in VideoStudio Pro?

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If you have a DVD project with more than one hour of duration and would like to fit it to a 4.7GB single-layer DVD disc (fit-to-disc), you can use the MPEG Optimizer before proceeding to Create a DVD Disc in VideoStudio.

In order to use the MPEG Optimizer the DVD project profile must be used in the project.  
To check if you are using the DVD Profile please follow these steps: 

1. Select settings at the top of VideoStudio and select Project settings.

2. Once the project settings window appears, please make sure that the project format is set to
DVD Project.  If it is not set to DVD Project you can change it to the DVD Project Format. 

3. Click on OK.

Once you are ready to burn your project to a DVD disc the Mpeg Optimizer will need to be used.
To use the Mpeg Optimizer follow these steps:

1. At the top of VideoStudio Pro select Share.



2. Once the Share section is open select Computer.

3. Select Mpeg Optimizer

There are two options under MPEG Optimizer:

• Optimal project Settings profile (grayed out if the first video clip in your main video track is not an MPEG-2 video);

• Customized converted result file size; choose this option and set the "Size Under" to: 4380 GB (this value may vary depending on the minimum and maximum values set by VideoStudio).

4. Choose "Accept", which will again show you the Share workspace. This time, Profile should be set as 'MPEG Optimizer' and MPEG-2 will also be lit up.

5. Change the file name and location of your preference then click on the Start button to begin rendering your project.

6. Once the project has been rendered, click on File > New Project.

7. Proceed to the Share step.

8. Select the disc icon beside the preview panel. Choose DVD.

9. Once the Add Media window appears, click on the 'Add video files' icon.

10. Locate the MPEG file you have exported earlier and Click on Open.

11. Proceed to create menus, chapters, etc. (optional) then click on Next until you reach the  Output' section.

12. Burn your video project into a 4.7GB DVD disc


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