How to send picturesby email using Photo Album 6 This article contains an overview of how to sendemails from Photo Album 6. The email send functions in Photo Album 6 utilize the default MAPI emailprogram on your computer. In order to use the email functions from Photo Album 6, the default emailprogram must be properly configured on the computer. Included is the information for configuring youroutlook email program as the default email program on the computer. 1.When you open the program there is a "Find" tablocated onthe left side of the window and you should be able to see theavailable folders including your favourite folder.

2. Click on your favorite folder where your photos are saved; in this case the default will be My Pictures.

3.The program will show available pictures on the viewpanel in thumbnails on the right side of the window.
4.You can now select pictures that you want to send. Clicktohighlight the photo.

5.Click on the "Share" tab located on the middle top part of the window.

6. Click on the "Email" icon on the left side of the window.

7.Select "Email"fromthe drop down menu.

8.Then click on the "send" button.

9. This will open up your email program and the pictures selected will automatically beattached for you to send.
Email Setup for Microsoft Outlook
Outlook Express users (with any Internet ServiceProvider):If you use Outlook Express as your default email program, make sure it is selected as the defaultemail program. 1.Launch Internet Explorer. 2.Go to Tools | Internet Options. 3.Click on the Programs tab. You will see anoption called Email. 4.Click the drop down menu and choose OutlookExpress as the default program. 5.Click Ok, and then close Internet Explorer. Outlook Express should now be recognized as yourdefault email program. You should be able to successfully use the Send functions from ourprograms.
For other email set up please contact your Internet Service Provider for assistance.
How to send pictures on email using Photo Album 6; Email using photo album;sending pictures using photo album 6;how to email pictures
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