Activation of Photo Album 7 Written Instructions

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PLEASE NOTE:This article is only for customers who have purchased an ESD or purchase key for Corel Photo Album 7.

If you have purchased the ESD of Corel Photo Album 7, you are given an "Activate Now" option on your confirmation page. If you click on it, you do not need to download or activate your program. By clicking on "Activate Now", your program will be successfully activated for you. If you did not get the "Activate Now" option, please read the next paragraph.

You will receive an order confirmation email when you complete your order. Included in this email is a download link.

Downloading Corel Photo Album 7:

  1. Click on the "Click to Download" link on either your Order Confirmation Page or in your Order Confirmation Email.
  2. Make sure to keep an eye out for any pop-up blockers that may be triggered by your browser or internet security software.
  3. You will be offered a File download dialog. Choose to Save the file.
  4. Save the file to a place you know where to find it such as your Desktop.
  5. Once the file has been downloaded, double click the file's icon to initialize the Photo Album 7 installation process. Click on Save button. Note: If this message prompts you Another version of this product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue, it has detected that there is Snapfire or MediaOne Plus installed in the system. Remove SnapFire or MediaOne Plus completely before installing Photo Album 7. Please refer to the Article on Uninstalling/Removing Snapfire or MediaOne Plus. Then proceed to step no. 5 again.
  6. Read the End User License Agreement (EULA), if you have agreed from it, click on Accept button.
  7. Follow the install wizard to install Photo Album 7. You will receive a prompt to enter the serial number.
  8. Use the Serial Number provided on either your Order Confirmation Page or in your Order Confirmation Email. Then click on Next.
  9. Click on Finish.

Activating Corel Photo Album 7:

If you already have Photo Album 7 installed in your computer, you may use your serial/purchase key to activate the program.

  1. Open Photo Album 7 and then close it.
  2. You will get a dialog box with a button titled Activate now!
  3. Click on Activate now! Photo Album 7 should automatically be activated in a few seconds.
  4. You will get a confirmation asking if you would like to Save or Print your activation information. Choose your desired option.

Note: If you do not have an internet connection, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Launch the Corel Photo Album 7 program.
  2. From the startup screen, click on "Other Activation Options."
  3. Type your Purchase Key in the Please enter your key box. Your Purchase Key is provided in the order-confirmation e-mail that you received from
  4. Click on “Phone Corel”. Note: You will be offered an Installation Code and your key with a blank Activation Code field.
  5. Contact Technical Support

Note: Once you received the activation code, please enter it in the Already have an activation code box then choose Continue to proceed with the activation.

For Activation Instructions (with screenshots), click here.


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