Below you will find the instructions to manually remove PhotoMirage Full or Express version from your system.
These steps are to be performed ONLY if you are unable to uninstall PhotoMirage in Windows using Programs and Features, uninstall a program, or if you are unable to reinstall and the program is not present.
Windows Explorer
- Open File Explorer
- Navigate to C:\Windows\Installer
- Change your view to "details"
- Right click on the sorting tool bar, and select Title
- Scroll and search for the MIRContent or MIRHelp
- Once you locate the file name click on the arrow on the left side of Date modified to select the date range as per the date of the files has been modified.
- Click on the box and it will display all the files that was modified or created on the date that was selected.
- You will see the list of files and components that was associated with Mirage that has the same date it was created or modified
- Right-click on it and uninstall according to its number sequence.
- Note: Do not uninstall any other files that was not in the box!
- Reboot the Computer and Reinstall the program.
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