CorelDRAW Membership and Subscription Error Messages

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If you have received an error message while trying to create or use your CorelDRAW Membership or Subscription, additional information is provided here to assist you in understanding the message, and to help you resolve the issue.

'"You have exceeded the number of computers on which you may install the product. For assistance, please go to' "
This error occurs when you have exceeded the maximum number of allowed sign-ins. To correct this problem, you must uninstall CorelDRAW Graphics Suite from one of the systems on which it is already installed. You must also be online when the uninstall occurs. If none of the systems are available to you or you are unable to uninstall the software on one of the systems, you must submit a question by clicking here, to log a support case. Please indicate the computer names that you would like to keep. All others will be removed from your account. To find your computer name, click the Windows® Start button, then click Control Panel, and then clickSystem.

"The serial number that you used to install the product is already associated with another account. For more information,"
This error has occurred because there is already a account associated with the serial number you used to install CorelDRAW Graphics Suite. As a result, you will be unable to acquire a CorelDRAW Membership. It is possible that you have been a victim of software piracy (as it is not permissible to transfer software licenses to another party), and you must contact Corel Support for further assistance. Please locate your product proof of purchase, and click here to submit a support incident, or click here to access a list of contact telephone numbers if you wish to purchase a new version of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite.

There is a limit to the number of machines you can access your subscription/membership entitlements on. Completing the sign-in on this machine will increase your count by 1. Do you wish to continue’?”
When CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Update 1 or higher is installed on multiple systems, using the same serial number and user sign-in credentials, a machine count warning is issued on second or subsequent machines, to inform the user that the count has been increased.

When CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Update 1 or higher is uninstalled and the user is signed in and connected to the internet, the machine count for that system is decreased by one.

Machine counts also increase when hardware changes or operating system upgrades occur.

Below is a list of examples where machine count warnings are issued.

  1. Using the same serial number on an additional system in which the user signs in the first time or has not accepted to increase the machine count. Signing in on additional systems where the same serial number and credentials are used for the primary installation. Note that the machine count warning occurs on sign-in and will not appear for the first successful sign-in on the first system.
  2. In the case where significant changes to the machine hardware has been changed on a system or upgraded and the user signs in will invoke an increase in the machine count.

If this occurs, contact Corel Support to inform them that the hardware on the system where CorelDRAW Graphics Suite has been installed has been upgraded or changed.

  1. When and OS upgrade or migration has occurred to a higher version and the user signs in. If this occurs, contact Corel Support to inform them that the Operating System where CorelDRAW Graphics Suite has been installed has been upgraded or changed.
  2. Signing in on first launch after reinstalling software that had been previously uninstalled on a system where the user was signed in and connected to the internet. When the uninstall is performed, if the user is signed in and connected to the network, the hardware signature on the server is removed. It is then added back to the account in when signing in after reinstall.

“We were unable to verify your account. For more information please”
There are several scenarios in which you will see this error message:

It is possible that you have been a victim of software piracy (as it is not permissible to transfer software licenses to another party), and you must contact Corel Support for further assistance. Please locate your proof of product purchase, and click here to submit a support incident, or click here to access a list of contact telephone numbers if you wish to purchase a new version of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite.

“The code represents a membership or subscription that is not available for your account. For more information, visit”
You are attempting to use a subscription redeem code or serial number, but you already own CorelDRAW Graphics Suite and have a valid membership. Since you already own the product, you are not required to add a subscription.

“You do not have a product membership or subscription. Please sign up to become a member, or subscribe to the product.”
You are attempting to sign in without having yet acquired a Membership. Even though you already have an previously created account, it has not yet been associated to a CorelDRAW Membership. You need to select the Become a member button and follow the instructions to create a account and become a member.

"The code represents a membership or subscription that is not available for your account. For more information visit"
This error occurs because you have a 365 day subscription and have tried to redeem a code for a 30 day subscription, and you cannot downgrade your subscription to a shorter term

"This type of membership or subscription is not available for your account. For more information please visit"
You have attempted to acquire a subscription or membership and you already have an active one in your profile (with the same serial number associated to it).

If you require additional assistance, click here to submit a question to our Support team. You can generally expect a response within 2 business days. Alternatively, click here to access the community, where other CorelDRAW users and Corel support agents may offer assistance in a more rapid manner.


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