CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2017: How to manually uninstall

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Here is the procedure to uninstall CDGS 2017, including all locations where files/components may remain after a failed uninstall attempt

  1. Restart your operating system to ensure everything is properly closed and complete any pending Windows updates successfully.
  2. In Windows Control Panel, click Uninstall a program.
  3. Remove these programs in this particular order, if installed.

If the option for ‘Remove User Files’ is checked, application user files such as workspaces, application preferences will be removed.

  1. It is also recommended that you visually inspect the installation and user folders, as well as the user location in the registry (if possible) for files and entries that may have been left behind. If they have not been removed during the uninstall process, they may need to be manually deleted.


Below are the locations which you should look in after uninstalling CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2017. Look specifically for entries related to 2017; if you have earlier versions, other entries will exist.

Installed folder location (default):

User File location:


Public File location:

All Users File location:

ProgramData File location:

Registry locations:  You may want to back up the registry before using regedit.

Installer .msi components: c:\windows\installer folder

  1. After the above steps, reboot the system.

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