Aftershot Pro Catalog Unavailable Error Windows

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If you receive the above message when launching Aftershot Pro, please follow the below instructions to reset the applications database:

Windows Vista sp2 / Windows 7 sp1

  1. Click START
  2. Type run in the Search Programs and Files field
  3. Type appdata in the Run box
  4. Double click on the Local Folder
  5. Locate and double click on the Corel folder
  6. Locate and rename the Aftershot Pro folder to Aftershot Pro_old

Windows XP sp3

  1. Click START
  2. Select Control Panel
  3. Double Click on Folder Options
  4. Click View Tab
  5. In the Advance Settings Window, select Show Hidden Files and Folders under the Hidden Files and Folders section
  6. Click Apply and click OK
  7. Follow this path by either typing it into the Run box or going through Windows: C:Documents and Settings{username}Local SettingsApplication DataCorel - (the username is whatever name you are currently using under a windows profile)
  8. Locate and rename the Aftershot Pro folder to Aftershot Pro_old

If the Corel or Aftershot Pro folder is not located, you will need to go into the registry. Follow these steps:

  1. Click START
  2. Type regedit in the Search Programs and Files field
  3. Make sure before you do any changes to your registry that you create a backup. To do that, highlight the Computer Icon on the left, click File, then click Export. Select your desktop as the save destination, type in a File name, then click the Save button.
  4. Go to this Path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER_Software_Corel_Aftershot Pro and rename Aftershot Pro to Aftershot Pro_old and then press your Enter button on your keyboard
  5. Close the Registry Editor screen and Launch Aftershot Pro

For any additional resources, please visit our support page at

Keywords: aftershot pro, error, catalog cache, launch

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