If you have found any of the Corel’s contact numbers below in any in-product activation screens or older web pages, please be advised that these numbers have been disconnected and were replaced with +44 203 3550960.
To contact technical support, please go to corel.com/support and select your product name.
We apologize for any inconvenience this situation may have caused.
Austria: 00800 677 027
Belgium-Dutch: 0800 49 861
Belgium-French: 0800 49 860
Czech-Slovakia: +420 224 239 645
Denmark: 80 882 219
Europe: 44 1628 581609
Finland: 0-800-1-16331
France: 0805 08 00 00
Germany: 0800 101 6080
Greece: +30-210-6130318
Hungary: 361 481 2160
Ireland: 1800 992 911
Israel: +44-1628-581601
Italy: 800-986-250
Luxembourg: +44 1628 581601
Netherlands: 0800 020 3700
Norway: 800 10972
Poland: 48-71-347-7279
Portugal: +44 1628 581601
Russia: 8-10-8002-1054011
South Africa: 0800 992 570
Spain: 800 098 125
Sweden: 0200 885 065
Switzerland-German: 0800 000 787
Switzerland-French: 0800 000 786
Uk : 0800 376 9272
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