To manually remove Painter 2023 on a MacOs, please follow the steps outlined below:
- Remove the Corel Painter 2023 launcher by dragging it to the Trash icon on the Dock or control+click > Move to trash.
- Remove the Applications > Corel Painter 2023 folder by dragging it to the Trash icon on the Dock.
- Remove the /Users/{username}/Library/Application Support/Corel/ com.corel.Painter2023, Painter 2023, and Painter 2023 Config folders by dragging it to the Trash icon on the Dock.
- Remove the /Users/{username}/Library/Preferences/ com.corel.Painter2023 folder and com.corel.Painter2023.plist by dragging it to the Trash icon on the Dock.
- From the Finder menu, choose Empty Trash.
- If you need to remove the serial number information (dta files, etc.) also remove this folder and subfiles (MainHD}/Library/Preferences/com.corel.Painter2023
To delete an item either drag it to the Trash or a quicker way is to use control+click > Move to trash.
Method# 2 - Manual uninstall
To go back to a state prior to the install of Corel Painter 2023 perform the following.
Ensure no other Corel products exist on the system, if there is one or more, then anything that does not contain the product name in the file should not be removed (e.g., CorelHelper, CUH, PCU, etc.)
It is also possible some files and/or directories may not exist on the system.
First, remove Corel Painter 2023 from Dock, if exist (right-click the icon in Dock > Options > Remove from Dock
Then, in the Finder menu click:
Go > Computer
{MainHD}/Applications/Corel Painter 2023
{MainHD}/Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/ "only things related to Corel"
{MainHD}/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/"only things related to Corel"
Go > Go to Folder... type "~/Library" without the double quote and click Go (or click the Finder menu Go while holding the option key will show Library)
/Users/{username}/Library/Application Support/
/Users/{username}/Library/Application Support/Corel/*.*
/Users/{username}/Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/ "only things related to Corel"
/Users/{username}/Library/Saved Application State/com.corel.Painter2023.savedState
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