If you need to restore everything in your backup to a new or repaired PC, follow these steps:
Step 1: Log in to your account and reinstall BackOnTrack Online
Go the www.roxio.com web site, click My Account, login using your email address and BackOnTrack Online password, click on the 'My Protected Computers' tab, click 'Restore' and follow the instructions.
Step 2: Restore files from your backup
You can restore files from your backup by double-clicking the blue 'BackOnTrack Online Backup Drive' lock icon on your desktop. If there is no BackOnTrack Online Backup Drive shortcut on your desktop, go to the Windows Start menu, select 'My Computer', then double-click on the blue lock icon in the My Computer directory.
To restore your files, open the 'Backed up files' folder in the BackOnTrack Online Backup Drive to view all the files in your backup, organized just as they are on your computer. Right-click on any file or folder and select 'Restore' or 'Restore To' to save the file to a new location. Restoring a folder will also restore all of its subfolders.
To restore all your files, right click on the top level drive in the 'Backed up files' folder (usually the C: drive), and select 'Restore'.
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