Here is the procedure to uninstall CDTS 2020, including all locations where files/components may remain after a failed uninstall attempt
1. Restart your operating system to ensure everything is properly closed and complete any pending Windows updates successfully.
2. In Windows Control Panel, click Uninstall a program
3. Remove these programs in this particular order, if installed.
a. Corel Graphics - Windows Shell Extension
b. Ghostscript GPL 8.64
c. CorelDRAW Technical Suite 2020 (64-bit) ensuring that Remove User Files is checked.
i. If the option for ‘Remove User Files’ is checked, application user files such as workspaces, application settings and preferences will be removed.
d. XVL Player / XVL Player Pro 64-bit Edition
e. XVL Studio Corel Edition x64 (may already be removed when successfully uninstalling the Suite)
4. It is also recommended that you visually inspect the installation and user folders, as well as the user location in the registry (if possible) for files and entries that may have been left behind. If they have not been removed during the uninstall process, they may need to be manually deleted.
Below are the locations which you should look after uninstalling CorelDRAW Technical Suite 2020 (64-Bit). Look specifically for entries related to 2020; if you have earlier versions, other entries will exist.
Installed folder location (default):
64-bit version on 64-bit OS
C:\Program Files\Corel
User File location:
C:\Users\<accountname>\AppData\Roaming\Corel\CorelDRAW Technical Suite 2020
C:\Users\<accountname>\AppData\Roaming\Corel\Databases\Assets V1.0
All Users File location: (C:\ProgramData or C:\Users\All Users)
C:\Users\All Users\Corel\CorelDRAW Technical Suite 2020
C:\Users\All Users\Corel\Downloads
C:\Users\All Users\Corel\Messages\540111125_******
C:\Users\All Users\Corel\Messages\540111142_******
C:\Users\All Users\Corel\Messages\540214519_******
C:\Users\All Users\Corel\Messages\540227267_******
Registry locations: It is strongly recommended to back up the Windows registry before using it
How to back up and restore the registry in Windows (
Installer .msi components: C:\Windows\Installer folder
- This is a hidden folder, so you will need to type the path directly in a Windows Explorer window, or Run command.
- Set the display of the Windows Explorer window to show Details. Right-click on the column headings (e.g. Name) and enable the Title column. Click the Title heading to sort by title and scroll to the Corel installed applications.
- If there are any related CorelDRAW Technical Suite 2020 .msi files, do not delete them, as they will need to be uninstalled one at a time. To uninstall them, right-click on each and choose ‘Uninstall’. Repeat this until no more CorelDRAW Technical Suite 2020 .msi files are listed
After the above steps, reboot the system and try to reinstall again.
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