This AfterShot Pro 1 installation issue is related to ia32-libs which is used to install 32-bit applications to 64-bit Linux Ubuntu operating systems.
Reference: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ia32-libs/+bug/1241327
The following temporary solution is based on suggestions from the Ubuntu community:
1. Download AfterShotPro_amd64.deb to the Downloads folder.
2. Launch Files (file organizer), and navigate to the Downloads folder.
3. Right-click AfterShotPro_amd64.deb, and choose Extract here.
4. In the extracted folder, navigate to AfterShotPro_amd64\DEBIAN\control.
5. Open the control file in a text editor.
6. In the text editor, find “Depends: ........ ia32-libs”.
7. Remove ia32-libs from this file and save it.
8. Rename AfterShotPro_amd64.deb.
9. Open a terminal.
10. In terminal, change current folder to Downloads, then enter the following command: dpkg -b AfterShotPro_amd64. After a moment, a new AfterShotPro_amd64.deb file is generated.
11. Install AftershotPro with this new deb file. Ubuntu 13.10 will show a warning about the quality of this package—you can continue to install.
12. If Ubuntu still produces an error, try to remove everything in the Depends section (everything fromDepends to the end of ia32-libs) and reinstall.
Users may need to manually install the dependency package (the libraries listed in Depends, except for ia32-libs) by running sudo apt-get install [library-name library-name].
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