There are varying solutions to resolve Toast or Popcorn not launching properly or at all. Please try the steps in order.
For steps that require an action, such as an download or installation, be sure to do so when Toast or Popcorn is not active in the Dock. After you have applied the action (like installing an update), try to launch the application. If you really want to be safe, reboot the machine after each action.
- Confirm you have applied the latest updates to your version of the Mac OS your OS to the most current version by selecting Software Update in the Mac OS System Preferences.
- Please be sure that your operating system and the system requirements for your copy of Toast or Popcorn are matched. Please refer below for system requirement information:
System Requirements for Toast
System Requirements for Popcorn
Mac OS X Leopard compatibility with Roxio products
- Confirm you have the latest Toast or Popcorn updates from our Software Update page.
- Confirm you have the latest firmware installed for your recorder. If your recorder was included with your Mac, this can be obtained through the Apple website. If you have an external recorder, please contact the recorder manufacturer.
- Trash the Toast or Popcorn preference and the "plist" file. Delete the "Roxio Toast Prefs" or :" "Roxio Popcorn Prefs "file and the "com.roxio.Toast.plist" or "com.roxio.Popcorn.plist" file from this location:
- Unplug any external devices including CD and DVD recorders, flash drives, camcorders, iPods, recorder drives, flash drives etc.
- Repair disk permissions using Apple Disk Utility.
- Try cleaning clearing the Finder caches and fixing permissions using a third party program called "Cocktail" which you can find by searching (not supported or endorsed by Roxio).
- If you are using Screen Sharing to control the machine you are launching Toast or Popcorn from, you must have a monitor connected to that machine in order for the application to launch properly.
- QuickTime maybe improperly installed. Go to the QuickTime download page, download the latest version of QuickTime, and reinstall.
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How to uninstall Toast Titanium and all associated files
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