There are a lot of different variables for this to happen. While not each suggestion below may apply to your situation, it's recommended that you go down the list and eliminate each possibility to solve this issue.
- Try using a different brand of Media. Most drive manufacturer's suggets what media works best with their drivers. Please consult the writer's website for more information.
- Try using a different DVD media format. If using ?R media, switch to +R media.
NOTE: -R is the most cokmpatibily with older players. Also, RW discs tend to have lower reflectivity creating occasional issues for the laser to track the data. If possible, try R media.
- Preview your DVD before burning by creating a disc image.
- Do a firmware update for the drive.
- Create a disc image of the project.
- Setup your project DVD in Toast or Popcorn
- Click on "File" and select "Save as Disc Image"
- Save the disc image to the desktop.
- Once the image is created add it to Toast or Popcorn and mount it. Select Image File and drag and drop the image file into the Toast or Popcorn main window.
- A DVD disc should appear on your desktop.
- Use the Apple DVD player to view it and check the quality.
- If you are satisfied with the quality, you can burn the disc by clicking on the red record button.
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