Installing AfterShot Pro 3 on Fedora 35

5 users found this article helpful


AfterShot Pro 3 does not initially install on Fedora 35


Dependency issues


This article assumes basic familiarity with Fedora Linux and using a terminal command prompt.

  1. Install AfterShot without dependencies:
    1. Open a terminal window in Fedora.
    2. Enter the following command to install AfterShot: 
      sudo rpm -ivh --nodeps
  2. The RPM will install some libraries which may conflict with current Fedora libraries, so we move the provided ones out of the way. Continuing in the terminal:
    cd /opt/AfterShot3\(64-bit\)/lib/
    sudo mkdir ./backup/
    sudo mv ./* ./backup/
    sudo mv ./backup/ ./

  3. Install a version of compat-openssl10
    sudo dnf copr enable dioni21/compat-openssl10
    sudo dnf -y install compat-openssl10

  4. Install required dependencies
    sudo dnf install \
          libglvnd-glx \
          libICE libSM \
          libXcomposite \
          libXext \
          libXi \
          libsecret \
          ocl-icd \
          libgpg-error \
          qt \
          qt5-designer \
          qt5-qtmultimedia \
          qt5-qtbase \
          qt5-qtbase-gui \
          qt5-qtsvg \
          qt5-qtwebkit \

  5. The qt.conf file is not required and can cause issues. We'll rename that:
    cd /opt/AfterShot3\(64-bit\)/bin/
    sudo mv ./qt.conf ./qt.conf.backup
  6. Run AfterShot. You will be prompted for a library folder and a settings folder. It's safe to just click OK here.
  7. Enjoy!

Many thanks to the good folk over at:

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