Error Pinnacle Studio Ultimate is not enabled for PAL occurs on Studio 14 trial that was upgraded to a full version

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Step 1: Verify Email Address

It is important that the email address you used to register the Studio 14 trial is the same as the email address you used to purchase the activation key to make the trial into a full version. If the addresses are different then the activation process will not fully work and you will get the "Pinnacle Studio Ultimate is not enabled for PAL" message.


Step 2: Note Serial Number

Please start Studio 14 software and go to Help > My Passport.

Note down the serial number mentioned there, you will need it later in this procedure.


Step 3: Enter Activation Key

In Studio go to "Help > Enter activation keys" and enter the Studio 14 trial to Studio 14 Ultimate activation key you were given when purchasing this from our eStore. You should have received an email with this activation key; it will show near the bottom of the email as:


Please note the code shown in this FAQ is just an example and will not work in the software if you try it.

Alternatively, in Studio go to Help >> View Activation keys, you should see the key listed there already. Once the activation key is entered the Studio software will go through the software unlock process again and after a moment say it is successful.


Step 4: Registration

Once this is done a registration window will open showing only the name and email address you originally entered. Click Register Now to close it.

After a moment a similar looking window will open, but this time with a field for entering a serial number.

It may already be partially filled in - please delete what is there and type in the serial number you found earlier in Step 2 when going to Help >> My Passport. Press the "Register now" button to complete the installation.

Once this is complete, restart the Studio software and the problem should be solved.


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