How to customize the menu background in Toast 6

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The menu background for your Video CD, Super Video CD, or DVD is created from a Photoshop (PSD) file contained inside the Toast application. You can edit this file, and replace the default background (called Ocean) with any image of your choice.

Follow these steps to change the menu background image:

1. Find the Toast 6 Titanium application on your hard disk. If Toast is currently running, you should quit the application.

2. Control-click on the icon and choose 'Show Package Contents'.

3. Open the 'Contents' folder, then the 'Resources' folder, then the 'Themes' folder. You will see a file named 'ocean.psd'. This is a Photoshop file, which contains several layers of objects which make up the onscreen menu for your disc.

4. IMPORTANT: First create an archive copy of the 'ocean.psd' file. You can use the Duplicate command in the Finder to create a copy. The copy can be left in the 'Themes' folder or moved to any other location on your hard disk. You will need this copy if you want to easily restore the background to the original state. You can also copy this PSD file off of the Toast 6 install CD (inside the application package contents).

5. Open 'ocean.psd' in Photoshop. It will appear like a blank document Ð all of the layers are turned off.

6. Turn on the 'background' layer, which represents the background image.

7. Replace the 'Ocean' image in the 'background' layer with whatever image you would like. You should be aware that you need about 50 pixels around the edges without any content -- each TV is different, but the edges of this PSD will be cut off
on the TV. IMPORTANT: Do not delete any of the layers, or rename the layer names. Toast looks for the layers by name when creating the menu. You can also move the placement of the buttons, titles and text, by moving the other layers around. Changing the font type, size or color currently makes no changes to the theme.

8. Save the 'ocean.psd' back to the 'Themes' folder, and close the folders.

9. Start Toast and create you video disc as you normally would. Currently, Toast looks for the first PSD file in the 'Themes' folder (alphabetically).


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