WordPerfect Office: What to do if WordPerfect Office installer / uninstaller does not get past "Initializing... Please Wait"

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Occasionally, the WordPerfect Office setup may wait indefinitely on "Initializing ... please wait while setup loads". This article describes a method to work around this issue by creating a secondary copy of the setup files and then performing a silent installation or uninstall.
1. Preparation:
  1. Press Windows+R to open the Run prompt
  2. Type this command, then click OK (include the quotes). The window will close without visible result:
    cmd.exe /c mkdir "%userprofile%\wp"
  3. Press Windows+R again to open the Run prompt
  4. Type this, then click OK. (Include the quotes):
  5. The above command will open an empty folder. We will need that later, so just leave it open for now.
  6. Ensure you have your WordPerfect serial number ready to use.
2. Creating the secondary copy of the setup files:
  1. Start the WordPerfect install as normal and wait for it to get to the Initializing Please Wait screen.
  2. On your keyboard, press Ctrl + Shift + Esc at the same time.  This will open a Windows tool called "Task Manager"
  3. If you see "More Details" in the bottom left, click on it.
  4. Click the "Details" tab at the top
  5. In the long list of tasks, locate "Setup.exe"
  6. Right click on "Setup.exe" in the list of programs and choose "Open file location".  Keep this window open, we'll need it later.
  7. Select one file in the list.
  8. On your keyboard, press CTRL+A to select all the files in this folder.
  9. On your keyboard, press CTRL+C to copy all the files to the clipboard. You won't see anything happen; this is normal.
  10. Click on the folder from step 1-5.
  11. On your keyboard, press CTRL+V to paste the files from the clipboard.  Wait till this is done, it can take a few minutes.
  12. Cancel the installation you started in step 2-2. It's no longer needed.
3A. Performing the silent installation

If you need to install, perform these steps. If you need to uninstall skip this section and perform the steps in section 3B. 

  1. Click Start and type CMD in the search
  2. In the search results, right click on Command Prompt and choose "Run as Administrator" A black window opens.
  3. NOTE If the text is too small, right-click on the title bar and choose properties. You can change the font size there.
  4. We will refer to this window as the CMD window going forward.
  5. In the CMD window, type the following command and press ENTER:
    cd "%userprofile%\wp"
  6. Type the following command (replace the WPQQQQQ-XXXXXXX-YYYYYYY-ZZZZZZZ with your serial number) and press enter:
  7. Go back to the Task manager window from step 2-4. On the details tab, find the "Setup" task.  When it disappears, setup is complete.
  8. Close any windows you opened during this process.  Enjoy using WordPerfect Office!


3B. Performing the silent uninstall / removal

If you need to uninstall WordPerfect Office, follow these steps:

  1. Click Start and type CMD in the search
  2. In the search results, right click on Command Prompt and choose "Run as Administrator" A black window opens.
  3. NOTE If the text is too small, right-click on the title bar and choose properties. You can change the font size there.
  4. We will refer to this window as the CMD window going forward.
  5. In the CMD window, type the following command and press ENTER:
    cd "%userprofile%\wp"
  6. Type the following command and press enter:
    setup.exe /x /qn
  7. Go back to the Task manager window from step 2-4. On the details tab, find the "Setup" task.  When it disappears, uninstall is complete.
  8. Close any windows you opened during this process.

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