Other archive files supported in WinZip

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WinZip file icon Zip files are the most common type of archive files that most people will see. However, you may occasionally encounter other file formats.

WinZip provides support for the most commonly found archive and compression formats and will be the associated program to open them by default. Unless you have configured Windows to show file extensions, you may not see a difference as they will also display the WinZip file icon.

WinZip can extract from all of the file types listed in the table that follows. The Type column lists the file extension, the Create column lists whether or not WinZip can create files of this type (Y or N), and the Format column indicates:

  • A - Archiving; used to group a set of files into one file
  • C - Compression; storing files in a manner taking less space (when possible)
  • D - Disc image; CD/DVD disc image files
  • E - Encoding; encoded files for email transmission

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